OOP Survivor Blog

Four women and five children die every day in the U.S. due to domestic violence. Read President Barack Obama's Presidential Proclamation announcing his commitment to reducing the prevalence of domestic violence in our country.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Click to Empower Domestic Violence Survivors with Allstate Foundation and the NNEDV

I stumbled upon the National Network to End Domestic Violence web site via Facebook and it's a great way to get involved and make a difference when it comes to spreading awareness of domestic violence while helping victims and survivors. The Allstate Foundation has started a campaign where they donate $1 to the National Network to End Domestic Violence for every person who "likes" their page on Facebook.

For more information, you can go to the Click to Empower web page by clicking here.

And to get to the web site for the National Network to End Domestic Violence, click here. It's a fabulous organization dedicated to creating a social, political and economic environment in which violence against women no longer exists. I can't think of a more noble mission.

Recently, Dr. Phil partnered with the NNEDV, which has definitely strengthened its advocacy outreach capability. He announced this partnership on his September 13th season premiere, when NNEDV's president, Sue Else, appeared as a guest on his show.

I love all of this recent advocacy - the momentum is building all over the country as organizations are reaching out and bringing domestic violence to the forefront of our nation's issues. Seeing the Click to Empower page on Facebook this morning was a great way to start the week. This stuff is what my blog is all about. :)

Happy Monday!


  1. i'm scared and need to get a restraining order. can you help me? i don't know what to do.

  2. Hi there, I'm so glad you found my blog. I'm happy to help direct you to the resources in your area that you need to file a restraining order. Please feel free to email me directly at kristinzucconi@gmail.com. Please know that you are not alone!!
